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Apr 20, 2021

The Importance of a Diverse Carrier Network


Carriers are an essential element within the supply chain and working with the right partner is key to the success of any shipment. With this, it’s important to have access to a diverse carrier network to ensure access to vast shipping options – whether focused on refrigerated freight or LTL services – and are receiving the best rates and quality service.

Here at NTG, we pride ourselves on the relationships we have made and the work we do with our carrier partners. When new customers come to us, we traditionally see that most of their work is with just one or very few carriers. With our diverse network of over 45,000 carriers, we’re able to find the right capacity fit for all parties involved. Across the country, we have carrier density and presence – NTG has increased our carrier network by 7.6% and our shipping volume by 16.6% from 2019 to 2020. Our network is constantly growing, offering our customers more solutions for their complex shipping needs.

One year after the COVID-19 pandemic hit the US, our team is consistently looking back at how we pivoted and the success we had in doing so – with one of the largest advantages in being able to be flexible in our diverse selection of carrier partners. With the boom in e-commerce during this time, we have seen an uptick in the need for services such as final mile and LTL; NTG has experienced teams strictly dedicated to these service offerings, making it seamless for customers to partner with us and gain access to our large network of carriers.

As we look toward projections for 2021, we predict the need for diversity in carrier options will grow even further. If you would like to learn more about our vast carrier network, you can speak with our experienced shipping experts.

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