
Beon Shipper Free is a transportation execution platform designed to make your job and life easier. With access to over 80K carriers, Beon Shipper Free brings transparency and efficiency to your supply chain.


Technical support questions: Please send an email to [email protected].

Freight-related questions: Please contact your NTG brokerage rep.


As the shipper, when you send a load out for bid, carriers will be notified via email that there is a load available for bid. Carriers will submit their bids and will appear alongside the instant quotes generated by our carrier network. You then can choose how to ship that load.

Shipment Details

Track the entirety of your shipment journey with the following statuses:

  • Open: This is the default status when you’re starting to build your shipment. No actions have been taken yet.
  • Draft: You started a shipment build but it is incomplete. All draft shipments are automatically saved on your Shipments page so you can go back to it later.
  • Bidding: You are in the quoting stage and have begun soliciting bids from carriers.
  • Tendering: This is between the time after you accept the quote and before a carrier accepts the shipment. Upload your BOL or instructions now so the carrier will see them immediately upon accepting.
  • Booked: A carrier was awarded the shipment with the quote and has accepted.
  • In Transit: Your shipment is in transit to its destination. Actual location is tracked either by electronic logging or if unavailable, by call check from our carrier team.
  • Exception: This is a manual input about the status of the shipment and not for accessorials. Typically used to indicate if a TONU needs to be issued.
  • Delivered: Your shipment is unloaded at the delivery site. POD may not necessarily have been issued yet.
  • Canceled: Your shipment with the current carrier was canceled, either by you or the carrier.


Intelligent estimate leverages data to determine the average range based on your load requirements. Once you get to the bidding and tendering page, then you will see the more detailed price from NTG or you can request quotes from your own carriers.